Clinical trial tag: Clear-cell


A nurse talking and smiling with a woman during chemotherapy
Closed trial

ATARI: A trial looking at the drugs ceralasertib and olaparib for rarer gynaecological cancers

Recruitment to this trial is currently paused. The researchers in this trial are looking to find how out how well the drug ceralasertib (on its own) and the combination of the drugs ceralasertib and olaparib work in rarer types of gynaecological cancers. The drugs used in this clinical trial are: Ceralasertib is a drug called an ATR inh…

Equipment used in chemotherapy with a woman looking at her phone during her treatment in the background
Closed trial

PEACOCC: A trial of pembrolizumab in advanced clear-cell ovarian cancer

The study will investigate whether women with clear-cell cancer may benefit from treatment with a new anti-cancer drug called pembrolizumab. All women in the study will receive the study drug, pembrolizumab, for up to two years or: until their study doctor thinks the study drug is no longer helping to control the cancer if unacceptable sid…